Daisies (film)

Daisies Czech Sedmikrsky is a 1966 Czechoslovak comedydrama film written and directed by Vra Chytilov considered a milestone of the Nov Vlna movement. Made with the support of the statesponsored film studio, it follows two teenage girls, both named Marie, played by Jitka Cerhov and Ivana Karbanov, who engage in strange pranks.

The opening sequence is that of a spinning flywheel with shots of airplanes strafing the ground. The shots of the airplanes are from US Navy footage shot in the Pacific Theatre during World War II.The first scene shows the two main characters sitting in bathing suits. Their conversation is robotic and from that point on they decide to be bad. The next scene shows Marie I and Marie II dancing in front of a tree. The tree has many fruits and resembles the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Once Marie I eats from the tree, they both fall and appear in their apartment. There is significant action here, with Marie I looking through the window at a parade and Marie II eating. The next few scenes are all similar. They show the two girls on a date with an older man, a sugar daddy. Marie II eats voraciously and Marie I eventually starts acting like her, eating a lot of food. ........

Source: Wikipedia